A 1780s Robe a la Piemontaise

1780s Stays

A 1780s Redingote

Two 1780s Jackets

Barbara Johnson's Brunswick

Cotton Print Sacque

The Screaming Yellow Sacque

Virginia Cloth Anglaise

A 1782 Court Dress

Parisian Pet-en-l'air

Marie Antoinette Dress

Linen Riding Habit

Costume Close-Up jacket

Striped Linen Round Gown

The Chocolate Francaise

A Short Cloak
The following links lead to my webpage, for my pre blog costumes :)
Chemise a la Reine
1780s Silk Taffeta Stays
Janet Arnold Polonaise
A Jacket from Costume Close-Up
A Round Gown from Fitting and Proper
A Dress From 1770
An Eighteenth Century Hat
A 1780s Blue Printed Cotton Gown
The 1770s Striped Not a Polonaise
Making an 18th Century Petticoat