
Monday, August 10, 2015

Regency Apron Pockets--A Tiny Tutorial!


This summer I visited my friend Aubry of A Fractured Fairytale for an amazing Regency house party. One of the elements of this party was prep, so I of course needed the appropriate clothes, one part of which was an apron. I browsed Pinterest, and found this apron and this apron, which I loved the pockets on, and this apron, which I loved the thick waistband and double ties on.

I used exactly one yard of blue checked linen from Burnley and Trowbridge. I cut a strip off one edge and used it for the pockets and waistband.


The first thing I did on the pockets was to sew a channel for a drawstring at the top. I put an eyelet a little ways in from the outer edge of the pocket and threaded 1/8" cotton tape through the channel. I then ran gathering stitches at the bottom of the pocket. I then folded the seam allowances of the pocket sides under.


Next, I positioned the pockets. The top of the apron is at the bottom of this picture. The pockets are set on the apron, right side to right side, with the tops towards the bottom. I then sewed just the bottom edge of the pocket to the apron with a backstitch.


The top of the apron is at the top of this picture. I then flipped the pockets up, angled the sides in slightly, pinned them into place, and sewed them down using a spaced backstitch.

DSC_0291 DSC_0294

And here are the pockets just before they're sewn.

The plaid made this so easy to make the pockets even. I counted the squares as I was adjusting the pockets.

To finish the apron, I hemmed the sides and bottom, gathered the top, and sewed it to the waistband using stroked gathers. I added two cotton tape ties to the back of the waistband. It stays on the high waistband because of three buttons on the back high waist of my shortgown.


  1. I love these! It won't be historically accurate, but I think I'll add some drawstring pockets to my 1911 artist's apron. I'm tired of things falling out!

    1. These are perfect for keeping things in. I hope it works for you!

    2. I mean. I feel like it’s a case of “entirely viable that someone else had this issue a century or so ago and fixed it with the same method”.
