
Monday, January 21, 2013

Virginia Cloth Anglaise and Another Muff!

I wore my Virginia cloth dress to An Evening with the Redcoats at the Skirball Cultural Center this past weekend, so that of course means pictures! Since this wasn't a costume event, there aren't a lot. I made sure to get a few posed shots though!

Virginia Cloth Anglaise Virginia Cloth Anglaise

Front and back views--and oops, my sleeves are pushed up a bit! I noticed this after, pictures, of course :)

Virginia Cloth Anglaise Virginia Cloth Anglaise

A closer front and back view. You can see where the front is pinned under the robings.

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With a few accessories--my new mitts and an apron. Oh, and with the sleeves more properly placed, even if my shift cuffs aren't buttoned.


And with my new green short cloak. I took pictures of making this--the whole hour and 20 minutes it took--and based it off this page on cloaks.

Muff Number Three!

And my new muff. It seemed a little much to do a post for just this! And it really doesn't go with this dress! It's grey silk satin, green silk embroidery floss leftover from a pinball (not the more proper flat silk), seed pearls couched on, and another Spoonflower miniature!


  1. I love it, Katherine! Beautiful job on the en fourreau back. Also, I've been meaning to say thank you for updating your tutorial on creating the en fourreau back! If it weren't for your first tutorial all those years ago, I wouldn't have figured it out to begin with!

  2. The back of your dress looks absolutely amazing.

  3. Will you be posting pictures of your short cloak construction? I'm not sure I understand the collar. Also, what fabric did you use?

  4. I love your blog! I'm really loving the pictures of the muff too. Keep up the hard work!

  5. Your outfits are lovely. I must thank you too for your en fourreau tutorials - I am using them to make my niece a gown :) You can see my progress here:

  6. I love how the dress looks and fits on you. :)
