
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Victorian Tennis Dress

I fell in love with this tennis dress at the Met, and decided I needed my own version. And here it is!

Tennis, Anyone?  The Victorian Outfits Tennis, Anyone?  The Vctorian Outfits

I wore it over a chemise, my take on a Ferris Good Sense Corset, drawers, bustle, and petticoat. My shoes are Edwardian lace up boots and I knit my tam o'shanter from an 1885 pattern. The Ravelry page for that is here.

Tennis Dresses

Twila and I wore these in the historic masquerade at Costume Con 30 and won best in show. It was very exciting :)

Tennis, Anyone?  The Vctorian Outfits

And what's a bustle dress without a side view?


  1. Absolutely magnificent. I am so jealous of your talent.

  2. Fabulous dresses! Congrats on the win, that's wonderful!

  3. Gorgeous! I admire anyone who's this clever with stripes!

  4. Absolutely stunning! I'm in love with that dress too. Your version looks just like the real thing. Bravo!

  5. Yours looks just like the original! Absolutely fabulous. I especially love the pleated skirt, working with stripes is so much fun!

  6. OMG, I really love this dress. Each costume you make is stunning, I really like your blog. Thanks for sharing.
    Sorry for my english, in France we're not so good in speaking other languages :)

  7. Reminds me of my creative graduation picture! :) It has the same theme as this one except that i was wearing a pure grey victorian dress. I had an umbrella and head dress, too

  8. Thanks so much, everyone! It does feel nice to know my work is appreciated :)
