
Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Finished Dress!

I finished the striped linen round gown for Under the Redcoat on Friday night. Here are the results!

Striped Linen Round Gown Striped Linen Round Gown

Striped Linen Round Gown Striped Linen Round Gown

Yes, it needs to be ironed. However, that's unlikely to happen until Under the Redcoat, so I thought I may as well share now. I think that this is going to be a very fun dress to wear!

There's nothing horribly interesting about the construction. It's linen lined with linen. I made the lining first and then mounted the outer fabric on it and sewed everything into place with spaced backstiches. The sleeves are made the same way as my chocolate francaise, and set essentially the same way, only the shoulder strap covers the top instead of the robing. The skirt was pleated and then set right side to wrong side and sewn in with whipstitches, leaving the top edge raw.

The front panel has ties that wrap around the waist and tie in front, then the bodice is put on and the back skirt overlaps the front.

And as usual, it pins down the front. I love pinning as closures!

My last linen lined with linen dress stretched about four inches, and until now, I really haven't wanted to make another linen lined with linen dress. However, these are very nice linens from Burnley and Trowbridge (the lining is the perfectly lovely--and perfectly firm--cambric linen they had a few years ago), and my last dress wasn't very nice linen, so I think this dress will be fine!


  1. Beautiful! I do so love that fabric. Make sure to post this on B&T's facebook, Angela will swoon over it!

  2. Goodness you always have the most beautiful fabrics! I'll admit I've been on the lookout for a striped red like your gown from last year's UTR.

  3. Beautiful! You look like you stepped right out of a painting. It's the perfect dress for cooking.

  4. It is absolutely beautiful! I love the colour combination so much. Also, great fit.

  5. Your new dress is so lovely!
    I have a striped linen that looks almost exactly like this one, except it's not quite as high-quality, and is planned for Civil War era. This makes me want to alter its destiny to 18th C though! :)

  6. i love it katherine!!
    its al pleasure to read your blog!!
    greetings marijke

  7. Love the colour!

    I'm constructing my embroidered polonais ethe same way and having a diffiult time as the embroidered linen have strecthed in mysterious ways...

  8. I just wanted to post my belated thanks for all your kind words! Very bad me for waiting so long!

    However, they're much appreciated :)

    1. Hi Katherine,
      I am from Germany and looking often to your site. I like your costumes and your skill in making them.
      By the way I would like to contact you for several questions about fabric. Is there any chance to contact you by e-mail?
      Kind regards from the Odenwald in Germany,

  9. I was wondering where you got the pattern from or what sources you consulted. I'm looking to make my first gown and I'm really fond of how round gowns look.
